Same day appointments, walk in clinic
Same day appointments, walk in clinic
The KeryFlex® nail restoration system transforms unsightly toenails to restore a natural appearance. This remarkable system of care offers immediate improvements after just one short visit. Whether it's used to cover damage, defects, discolorations, or address partially missing toenails, KeryFlex successfully reestablishes the natural aesthetics of a complete toenail.
One painless in-office application is all it takes a member of our professional team to prepare the underlying compromised nail, cover the defects, then sculpt and cure the new nail for optimal appearance and durability. While the exact interval between visits varies from patient to patient, it's typically 6-8 weeks until your next application of KeryFlex.
Unlike ordinary acrylic nails applied in a salon or at home, the KeryFlex system is formulated with a medical-grade resin that is flexible, durable, and non-porous. As explicitly designed for use on the toenails, KeryFlex does not have the harsh acids associated with commercial acrylic nails and contains antifungal ingredients to support ongoing nail health.
At the office of Taub Podiatry, we maintain a position at the forefront of advances in podiatry to provide the highest quality of care. If you're concerned about the appearance of toenails affected by fungus, trauma, or other nail disorders, we can help. Give us a call today!